Billy Browning

Dr. Billy Browning

Dr Bill Browning

Dr. Billy Browning was the President of Browning Consulting, LLC, an organization development firm that specializes in serving Executives and the Board of Directors. His client base included over twenty Fortune 100 companies.

Dr. Browning is a Board Certified Licensed Psychologist with a dual specialty in Clinical Psychology and Organizational Development. He has extensive experience in executive assessment and developmental coaching that spans over 20 years. Dr. Browning uniquely combines his clinical skills with his comprehensive business acumen to provide executive development for leaders across a broad spectrum of businesses. For years he has assisted senior leaders in re-thinking their business strategy and organizational structure in order to re-energize organizational performance. Such plans have included whether to place emphasis on process efficiency and reliability, product leadership and innovation, and/or human asset development.

He is highly regarded in the field of Organizational Design and has pioneered innovative methodology by creating a “High-Speed Design Process” enabling the rapid reorganization of companies.

Dr. Browning is an international speaker on such topics as The Changing Role of Leadership, Managing Large System Change, Team-Based Organizational Design, and Coaching Strategies for Personal and Professional Development. He coordinated the development of the assessment instrument “Who Moved My Cheese Profile” based on the national best-selling book “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson. Dr. Browning has authored numerous leadership training and organizational development materials.

Dr. Browning received his B.A. from Asbury College and he obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Georgia State University. After completing his Clinical Internship at the Alabama Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, he did post-doctoral studies in organizational design, organizational behavior, and organizational development.